Dog breeds illegal in India

 OMG! 23 Dog Breeds You Can't Own in India Anymore

The Indian government issued a circular in 2018 proposing a ban on the import, sale, and breeding of 23 dog breeds considered "dangerous." This ban also applies to mixed breeds of these dogs. The decision to propose the ban was made after a rise in dog attack cases. However, the implementation of the ban has been challenged in several High Courts in India, and there is currently a stay on the implementation. Here are some of the dog breeds included in the proposed ban: 1. Pitbull Terrier 2. Tosa Inu 3. American Staffordshire Terrier 4. Fila brasileiro 5. Dogo Agertino 6. American Bulldog 7. Boerboel 8. Kangal 9. Central Asian Shepherd Dog 10. Caucasian Shepherd Dog 11. South Russian Shepherd Dog 12. Tornjak 13. Japanese Tosa Akita 14. Mastiff 15. Rottweiler 16. Terriers 17. Rhodesian Ridgeback 18. Wolf Dog 19. Canario 20. Akbash 21. Moscow Guard Dog 22. Cane Corso 23. Bandog
